First Look
Venus has a thick, poisonous atmosphere filled with carbon dioxide and wrapped in yellowish clouds, mostly made out of sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid traps heat and blocks thermal radiation, preventing the planet from cooling and having water on its surface. This is called a runaway greenhouse gas effect. It’s caused when a planet’s atmosphere contains enough greenhouse gas to block thermal radiation.
Venus is also the first planet to be explored by a spacecraft. On December 14, 1962, NASA’s Mariner 2 passed by and scanned the gaseous world. After the discovery, numerous spacecraft and space agencies explored Venus. One example, like NASA’s Magellan, mapped the planet’s surface with radar. The only nation to land on Venus is the Soviet Union, but the spacecraft did not survive long in the brutal environment.
Venus: The hottest planet in the Solar System
Venus is the second closest planet to the Sun, so you would probably think that it would be the second hottest. But, this is actually not true. Venus is about 62 degrees hotter than Mercury and is an appalling 847 degrees Fahrenheit on an average day. The scorching temperature can even melt lead!
Discovery of Venus and the Copernican Theory
Being so close to the Earth, Venus was observed by ancient astronomers from all different cultures, but the first accurate observation was by Galileo Galilei in 1610. This observation helped support the Copernican theory.
The Copernican theory: the theory that the sun is the center of the solar system, with the planets (including the earth) orbiting around it.
Galileo eyed Venus with a microscope and saw that Venus had similar phases to the moon. Now, he had evidence to help prove that planets do orbit the Sun and not vice versa as previously believed.
Important Facts:
-The brightest planet in the Solar System. (caused by Venus’s, reflecting 70% of all the sunlight received)
-Similar to Earth: about the same mass, size, and composition (material)
-While the surface rotates slowly, winds blow at hurricane force, sending clouds completely around the planet every five days.
-spins the opposite direction of Earth and most other planets and spins very slowly
“Venus.” NASA, NASA, 19 Nov. 2020, solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/venus/overview/.
“Venus Facts: Surface, Atmosphere, Moons, History & Definition.” The Nine Planets, 29 Aug. 2020, nineplanets.org/venus/.
Yes, Venus is the brightest “star” in the night sky. So bright, that it outshines all the other distant stars by a significant amount. Venus often appears early in the morning or evening because it is close proximity to the sun – right before sunrise or after sunset.
I always wonder man’s first planetary mission was Venus instead of Mars. Mars is much more hospitable and likely to support life, maybe even aliens. Can you imagine finding aliens on Mars? What would we say to them? I would probably say, Hi and then ask, What is your name?
i am confused dad