Many events such as blizzards and tornadoes, are caused by winds. But, how do they form?
Blizzards form when two big areas of air meets. One air is warmer than the other and covers on the colder air. This is because cold air is more dense, more packed. Cold air rises, but it eventually falls and never expands, as warm air does. When we boil warm air, it creates stream. Steam expands and causes the mist to become very airy.
We have tested this with an experiment. Discoverers put two tubs next to each other with a short pole between the two. (The pole is medium length, not the diameter of a straw.) The tub on the left contains water and ice, making it very cold. The tub on the right is contains dirt and hot lamps that are making the dirt hot. To test this experiment, the researcher puts an air gun in the cold water tub and puts the opening of the gun in the pole to transfer the air.
The air successfully travels toward the warm tub with the dirt and the air from the gun immediately rises. This is because when the neutral weathered air entered the heat, it turned hot. Hot air rises and expands, making it have little density.
Now, let’s try putting the air gun in the hot dirt tub to transfer it into the cold tub. The researcher tries, but he cannot. The air cannot enter the cold tub. this is because when the air hit the cold tub, it became cold too. But, cold air pushes down because it does not expand, making it have a lot of force on the bottom. Since the warm tub does not have much density, it cannot fight the cold air. So, the cold air fights back and does not let the air travel through.
This is how we can prove that cold air has more density than warm air. Because of this, the warm air will fall on top the cold air. It’s almost like salt and water. The salt will fall to the top, just like the cold air.
I hope this article helped. Thank you for reading!