“The periodic table is important because it is organized to provide a great deal of information about elements and how they relate to one another in one easy-to-use reference. The table can be used to predict the properties of elements, even those that have not yet been discovered.”- Google
Since there is 118 elements and still more to come, I recommend you get ready for… A LOT of writing. Here are the elements of the year 2020.
P.S. If you’re not the biggest fan of reading, memorize this song instead! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rz4Dd1I_fX0
- Hydrogen– most abundant chemical substance in the universe Symbol: H
2. Helium: second lightest element and is colorless, odorless gas also used to fill up balloons Symbol: He
3. Lithium: used in the manufacturing of batteries, as well as mental health Symbol: Li
4. Beryllium: used in springs, electrical contacts, as well as high-speed air-craft and space-craft Symbol: Be
5. Boron: usually found in volcanic spring waters, needs kernite and tincal to form Symbol: B
6. Carbon: used in fuel, oil, and natural gas Symbol: C
7. Nitrogen: used for fertilizers, nitric acid, dyes, and explosives Symbol: N
8. Oxygen: helps us breathe Symbol: O
9. Fluoride: used in nuclear power plants, to etch glass, important in dental health Symbol: F
10. Neon: used in vacuum tubes, television tubes, helium When in liquefied, used in commercials for liquid-helium refrigeration. Symbol: Ne
11. Sodium: also known as sodium chloride (salt) and in chips and savory treats Symbol: Na
12. Magnesium: nutrients a body needs to stay healthy, which includes regulating muscles and nerve function, blood sugar levels, makes protein, and etc. Symbol: Mg
13. Aluminum: packaging for food, electric power lines, medicine, computers, cars, etc. Symbol: Al
14. Silicon: when solid, used for ceramics, transistors, computer chips, cement, fire bricks, etc. Symbol: Si
15. Phosphorus: white phosphorus is used in flares, red is used for the side of matchboxes, and the largest use is for fertilizers. Symbol: P
16. Sulfur: used in black rubber, gunpowder, matches, fireworks, fertilizers, and treatment for certain skin diseases Symbol: S
17. Chlorine: kills bacteria, used in drinking water, swimming pools, paint, paper, etc. Symbol: CI
18. Argon: used to protect reactive elements that are being used Symbol: Ar
19. Potassium: used for fertilizers, important for plant growth, and also used in soaps, detergents, gold mining, dyes, glass production, gunpowder, and batteries. Symbol: K
20. Calcium: used to produce minerals for bones, shells, and teeth Symbol: Ca
21. Scandium: used to high-intensity lighting and mercury vapor lamps Very similar to natural light Symbol: Sc
22. Titanium: a familiar metal used in jewelry, tennis racket, scissors, etc. Symbol: Ti
23. Vanadium: chemical element and used for steel alloys, space vehicles, nuclear reactors, and aircraft carriers, etc. Symbol: V
24. Chromium: used in stainless steel and plating on cars and bicycles. Symbol: Cr
25. Manganese: used to make clear glass, deoxidize and desulfurize steel, and reduce flaming in gasoline. Symbol: Mn
26. Iron: a shiny, gray metal that dusts in damp air used in 90% of all metals today
27. Cobalt: used for lithium-ion batteries (rechargeable batteries), manufacturing of magnetic water-resistant items, and high strength alloys (a combination of elements) Symbol: Co
Yet is to be added, so check in to see more elements! Meanwhile, try to memorize symbols, what the elements are used for, and their numbers. Good luck!
Nice! Makes me want to know more about chemistry.