There are many endangered species of frogs, such as the mountain yellow-legged frogs, so it is important for frogs to have a safe and healthy environment. In this article, I will tell you factors that should contribute to an endangered frog species, MYF (Mountain Yellow-legged frogs.)
The first thing that frogs should have of course is water. It is important to have a water source because, well, frogs need water to survive! The mountain yellow-legged frog also needs deep water to survive to avoid predators. If they live in shallow water. predators can eat them at ease because the frogs have nowhere to go.
The second thing that frogs should have is no abundance of predators. An example of a predator for the mountain yellow-legged frog is trout. Before a scientist chooses a place to put the frogs, they take out plenty of trout that can stop the fish from eating the MLK.
Another “predator” is bark beetles. Although they do not eat the frogs, they take away the habitat for frogs and other animals. This is because they eat bark, as mentioned in the name.
The third thing that frogs should have is habitat in a public place. Putting frogs in a private place will give the scientists a hard time because many would decline the offer to take care of the frogs.
The fourth thing that frogs should have is a habitat with almost no to little land affected by wildfires. Wildfires can wreck and kill both the frog and its habitat, so it is definitely not going to be an ideal place for the frog to live in.
Last but not least, frogs need the least amount of human activity as possible. A place with many hiking trails is not an ideal place for the frog to live.
These are some important main components to an endangered frog’s habitat. If you want to know how the Mountain yellow frogged got endangered, scroll below! Here are some other components that can help the frog to be as safe and healthy as possible:
-no disease (Chytrid is a common disease that scientists check for mountain yellow-legged frogs by swapping them on their stomachs)
-a place with many crevices so the frog can hide
Thank you for reading!
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How did the mountain yellow frog get endangered?
Scientists had originally thought that the MLK laid only a few thousand hatchlings each or every other year. This was found out not to be not true. They lay at least two times more than what the scientists expected. This led to overpopulation, which is not good because the frogs will start to eat each other.
The scientists had to lead the species into reintroduction and get a fresh start by separating and finding a good habitat for the frogs.
Aye new post…………..
Ahhhhhh the old blog I use to read.
I see frogs as cute little animmmmmalllls.
But this is interesting
I learned about this in science.